Getting started

  1. Try the quiz.
  2. Two type of quizzes available.
  3. View results and review.
  4. Create a quiz.

Introduction: Try the quiz

It is really easy to use. Just register and obtain a quiz code from quiz author, and you will be ready for the quiz.

When you are logged-on, you will be asked to enter quiz code as shown below:

Two type of quizzes :

  1. Traditional multiple choice questions type of quiz with four possible answers.

    MCQ Quiz

  2. Cloze stye quizzes where users answer questions from a list of possible answers.

    Cloze Quiz

Quiz code - for quiz author

A quiz code is given by the quiz author to others.

When you have created a quiz, a quiz code will be automatically generated. The code is unique and used to identify a particular quiz.

To view your own quiz code, click on the 'Quiz Organiser' menu at the top and select either 'Manage multiple choice quizzes' or 'Manage cloze style quizzes'.

You will be then presented with list of quizs that you have created. The code is found in the code column as shown below:

View results and review

Quiz results is provided when quiz is completed. You can also view results and review the quiz by clicking 'Review Quiz' from 'My Quiz' menu at the top.

View result details:

Create a quiz

Click on the 'Quiz Organiser' menu at the top and select 'Add a new quiz'.

For more information, please refer to the overview help page.